The data you have requested is subject to restricted licensing. In order to access the data, you must agree to and comply with the licence that applies to you.
You are requesting access to the CBC Contaminated Land dataset uploaded by Cheltenham Borough Council.
Pick one of the following three that best describes your situation. We've simplified all the lengthy T's & C's but the full OS licensing documents can be found at the links below.
Individual UserYou are an individual who wants to download this data for personal use & not for any commercial purposes. You are covered by the Public Sector End User Licence - INSPIRE. |
PSGA Member OrganisationYou are a member of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement who wants to download this data for non-commercial use in your organisation. You are covered by the PSMA member licence and the data sharing terms within it. |
Non-PSGA OrganisationYou are an organisation that is not part of the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement and you want to use this data in your organisation for commercial reasons. |
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